This page is a collection of the “Tenets” project.
There is a list below including links to all of the Tenets Pages along with a “star-rating” system to show how complete each entry is.
- 0 Stars= No content. Just the listing on this page.
- ⭐= Blog Post (Essay) entered
- ⭐⭐= Fable Created (and included on Blog Post Page)
- ⭐⭐⭐= Fable Set to Music
- ⭐⭐⭐⭐= Fable video completed and included on Blog Post Page
The List of Tenets:
- If you’re thrown out of a plane without a parachute, kick back, take in the view, and enjoy the wind in your hair.
- Doing exactly what you’re told is a recipe for Mediocrity.
- Life is an exercise in Perspective.
- When a leader must go first, he must commit fully. The action must be seen from the follower’s perspective. Hesitation or wanting the followers to go first, especially if it is a fun thing to do, is inappropriate.
- Take/Make every opportunity to spend time with those who are different from you. It’s the only way to find your own strength.
- Knowing a thing can’t substitute for doing a thing.
- Ask a question that allows the other person to discover your point. It gives them buy-in on the answer.
- Be the smartest person in the room, or know that you’re not. Also, being the smartest person in the room isn’t the same thing as having the right answers.
- Some ideas should be shared before perfected. Others need to be held close to the vest until they are ready for consumption by others.
- Some ideas benefit from ambiguity–even in the author.
- Prefer pity over anger.
- Self-centrism must be guarded against.
- Lying takes more energy and carries greater risk than telling the truth and taking your lumps. (Especially if you have an ongoing policy not to do things you know are wrong.)
- You get 80 years of consciousness, if you’re lucky. Make the most of them and help others to do the same!
- Everything in life has its own scales/rudiments.
- New experiences need pretend confidence.
- Good leaders want to be stimulated and challenged. Good followers indulge their good leaders (respectfully) and give them the benefit of the doubt until it is pissed away.
- Be very selective about when and to whom you complain. If you’re not positive that it’s a good idea, keep your mouth shut.
- Write and draw your technical manuals in an artistic way.
- If he’s bigger than you, remember that not all games can or should be won. There is certainly some contest in which the roles would be reversed. Magnanimity is important in both success and failure.
- Why is your opponent playing the game? Literally imagine that you are him and examine “your” motivations.
- Know that any contest is just a game. It’s a subroutine inside what is a complex and beautiful tapestry of lifetime experiences.
- Hard work is designed to get results. Lack of confidence, laziness, etc. are just differing forms of wrongly deciding that one’s work isn’t going to be appreciated.
- When you don’t know the next step, you’re free to choose any of them. Move and adjust later as needed.
- Set a goal of learning something about three people each day.
- Use all “down” time available to your brain to find and answer questions about the world around you. Develop this habit.
- Be an expert in replacing bad habits with good ones.
- Be ruthlessly objective in your self assessment—denying both vanity and humility—then attack your weaknesses and enjoy your strengths!
- When getting something off the top shelf it’s sometimes easier to grip with the thumb and the smallest finger. The essay will discuss how to learn using this as an example.
- Going the wrong direction is sometimes forced by headwinds that you can’t control.
- You don’t just play an exercise you don’t just work it for technical skill you start playing with an idea, then you let that idea take you on a journey. Explore the idea and allow it to connect with things that you already know.
- Shut up and make something!
- The family is an organization. It doesn’t work well if all decisions are left to Providence.
- Knowing how to do something and learning how it’s done are two separate processes. They must be kept in balance.
- Goal: Hold the audience enthralled in a single note , then you have complete liberty to add any level of complication to your improvisation.
- Algorithms (May be deleted later):
- While playing tug-of-war, ask your opponent to meet you in the middle for a chat.
- You can only attend the meeting if your opponent is both trustworthy and willing.
- If not both, then stay the taut rope.
- Win.
- Find something that you WANT to do that deserves hard work.
- Be patient while you’re enjoying the work..
- Notice the rewards.